Friday, March 30, 2007

The game of mistakes

There are many times in our life, where we feel that we committed a ‘mistake’ and then we repent for doing it. No one escapes from such phases of life. It can be a very small fault or a big misstep.

Whenever we do anything, right or wrong, there are two players that control our actions. Mind and heart. The dominance of one over the other, decides the destination of our actions. Mind thinks practically and is generally the unwavering of the two. Heart is emotional and fragile and gullible. To make things work correctly, these two should portray their authority in the respective situations.

So what should be categorized as a mistake? There is no such rule which will say that if I do this then I am at fault or if I do not do this I am wrong.
By the end of day, if I stand in front of the mirror and I am able to make an eye contact with my image, without fear, then I say that I am safe. But if I fail in that, then there’s something fishy.

What if I did something wrong today and it is bothering me a lot. What should I do now? Should I sit and cry for doing it …. Or I should just forget it as if nothing had happened … Again come the two players of the game. Your heart says that you have done something incredibly wrong whereas the mind is smart and tries to save you from the sin.

But there’s a fork to the situation, which is I think a mean of the two. Don’t get drowned in the so called ‘sin’, nor be too casual and relaxed about your action. Try to find out the root cause. Try to know the reason behind your action. No action is done without a reason. So try to reach the root. Once you do that you will be definitely be satisfied and relieved. And once you realize the reason, you are in a better position to guide yourself. When I sit down and know the trigger of my mistake, I am half relieved. At least I know the reason of my fault. Now the next step is not to think over it again and again. What you do is thing over it only once, full fledged. Cry if you want to, but only once. Make it clear to your mind and heart that ‘boss you have done it once, it has cost you like anything. If you do it again, you know where you will end up. Come what may you will never ever repeat it’.

Your heart and mind, both are sensible enough to understand the intensity and importance of this talk. And they will take care that you never fall in such a painful situation again!

Try it once ..


Visiting Nomad said...

Nice simple and solid solution .....
Does it work ?

Anika Kulkarni said...

Defi it works. Tried and tested!

Potpourri Promenade said...

That's a well written post, Sangeeta ! Making mistakes is a part of life, and understanding them this way is a very matured perspective of handling them.

~Poo~ said...
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~Poo~ said...

Hi Well written....I agree on the part that making mistakes is part of life but instead of wasting the energy and thought on pondering over the root cause of mistake just think smartly about the solution on how to overcome the results of mistake made and close the chapter. Life is simple and easy. Y to make it so complex by thinking n thinking n thinking on the stuff that triggered the error. Be cool.

Mukta A said...

hey lovely thoughts & very well written!

i totally agree with the point about the 2 players- the mind & the heart.

really, all that we do is actually the output of the way one player was dominant over the other. and then the results of our actions (and also due to the actions of others), we "feel" good or bad. these feelings too are actually the result of the talks between these 2 players!! :)